5 Tips to Be a Strong Negotiator

At Tenant Advisory Group, negotiations are a part of everyday life and these are key reminders that have to stay top of mind throughout any negotiation to be successful.

1. Information

Information is the key to any successful negotiation. The more you have, the better position you will be in to achieve your goals. Put yourself in the best position by doing quality research and knowing all you can about the scenario.

2. Leverage

Gaining leverage allows you easier access to achieve your goals in the negotiation. Often times, leverage can be found by gathering more information. This points to tip #1, if you have information that either the other side does not have or that they think you do not have, then the leverage has been shifted in your direction.

3. Fairness

You never want to take every penny off the table. Leave a little something for your opposition in a good faith showing of being fair. You may end up crossing paths again and you want to be able to pick up where you left off, which is successfully completing a negotiation. Part of a successful negotiation is ensuring that neither side gets the feeling of being shortchanged, which could lead to resentment. Get the best deal, without being greedy.

4. Maintain Calm Demeanor

It is very important to never raise your voice. The purpose of yelling and screaming is to get someone to listen more closely, but it actually has the opposite effect. If you raise your voice, people will stop listening and progress will be halted. When negotiations become shouting arguments, nobody wins.

5. Understand your Adversary’ Motivations

Understanding what your opponent’ goals are makes the accomplishing of your goals that much easier. Often times, the two sides might have varying definitions of success, making attainment a far greater possibility. If both sides can feel this success without conceding too much, then that is an ideal negotiation.